Why it Pays to Get Ahead of Cannabis Aphid

The cannabis aphid, like many other insects that specifically target cannabis, can be considered a relatively new pest, at least when it comes to research on its development. However, the industry is learning more about it every day.

One of the biggest challenges growers face with cannabis aphid is that they might not even know it’s there.


“They’re kind of cryptic, and because they blend into the plant or underneath the leaf, they can be hard to see,” says Gretchen Pettis, an entomologist with BioSafe Systems. “Once you become aware of them, the populations have likely increased dramatically.”

In the video below, Pettis outlines some of the other challenges growers face in dealing with cannabis aphid, as well as strategies they can implement to effectively manage them, and what the team at BioSafe has learned about the pest.

Learn more below.

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