Survey Addresses How Consumers Perceive and Value Native Plants

Consumer interest in and demand for native plants has been increasing in recent years. Part of this increase can be attributed to a heightened interest in aiding the environment through sustainable purchases, including plant selection and gardening behaviors.

In a 2022 Horticultural Research Institute-funded study, a research team led by Alicia Rihn in the Agricultural Economics Department at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville addressed the relationship between perceived importance of native plants in home gardens and landscapes and the gardening practices that U.S. consumers are currently employing at home.


A national sample of 2,066 people from across the U.S. participated in the survey. Based on their rating of the importance of native plants in their home landscapes and gardens, three consumer segments were identified. A total of 50% of the surveyed participants indicated that native plants were very or extremely important (they were named “Native Plant Champions”), 33% indicated they were moderately important (named “Pro-native”), and 17% indicated no or slight importance (named “Ambivalent”). Demographics did not greatly influence consumer perceptions of the importance of native plants. However, their gardening practices did influence these perceptions.

eGro Native Plants Survey Question

The findings suggest a positive relationship between consumers’ perceptions of natives’ importance and participating in pro-environmental gardening practices. Marketing messaging that emphasizes environmental benefits and potential benefits of native plants could encourage the Native Plant Champions and Pro-Native segments to consider additional plant options and gardening strategies. There is also potential to co-brand or market natives with tools, information, and other items related to pro-environmental gardening practices.

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