Dümmen Orange Bringing Succulent Production In-House

Echiveria Mamba (Dummen Orange) Cacti Youngplants

Echeveria ‘Mamba’ by Dümmen Orange is part of the first group of Dümmen Orange Echeveria breeding, featuring dark, purple-black foliage, enhanced disease resistance, and a thick, shatter-proof habit.

Dümmen Orange is shifting its focus in the succulent segment. From its sites in Spain and Guatemala, the breeder intends to concentrate on breeding, propagating, and selling its own genetic material in the higher market segments. In North America, this will be marketed through brokerage partners, together with the successful Welcome to the Jungle program. The proportion of Dümmen Orange’s current succulent portfolio produced by third parties is being sold to Cacti Youngplants BV.


The two companies have signed a letter of intent in which Cacti Youngplants will take over Dümmen Orange’s exclusive contract with Zimflora in Zimbabwe, which produces starting material for succulents. Floramo will continue to supply both companies with succulents for their respective customers.

“As a leading breeder, we want to focus specifically on newly developed genetic material in the crops in which we are active,” says Hugo Noordhoek Hegt, CEO of Dümmen Orange. “We will do this ourselves and also together with brokerage partners, with already successful concepts such as Welcome to the Jungle.”

Aimed at the North American market, Dümmen Orange’s Welcome to the Jungle program combines succulents with green foliage plants such as peperomia and pilea. It offers growers and retailers a diverse range of easy-to-program varieties of unrooted cuttings. Confident colors, alluring textures, and attractive foliage all come together in Welcome to the Jungle.

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“I am delighted with what we have been able to achieve together with Dümmen Orange so far. Cacti Youngplants looks forward to offering its succulent ranges in the market together with its cactuses and Sticculents portfolio,” says Wander Tuinier, founder of Cacti Youngplants BV. “We also look forward to helping to give direction to succulent breeding at Dümmen Orange and launching these products jointly with Dümmen Orange.”

Over the next few weeks, Dümmen Orange and Cacti Youngplants will work to achieve a flawless transition for their customers in Europe and North America, enabling this product group to continue to grow and flourish.