Perennial Plant Association Honors Young Professional

The winner of the Perennial Plant Association (PPA) Young Professional Award for 2009 is Paul Westervelt of Roseland, Va.

The Young Professional Award is one of seven special awards granted each year by the PPA. It is given to a member to recognize, honor and encourage participation, achievement and growth of an individual in the industry who is a talented and promising newcomer. The award is given to a PPA member who has shown involvement in the PPA, has contributed to the success of that member’s company, and has portrayed a positive image of the perennial industry to the public.


Nominations for the annual Special Awards come from PPA members. The award recipients are then selected by the PPA Board of Directors.

Paul is a native of the Winchester area, and he has been an employee of Saunders Brothers, Inc., of Piney River, Va., for nearly five years. He is the color production manager and is responsible for selecting, purchasing and growing all annuals and perennials.

To learn more about Saunders Brothers, visit

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