BASF’s Empress Intrinsic Fungicide Is Approved For Use In California

BASF’s Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide received supplemental labeling, providing California growers with an effective drench fungicide for disease control and plant health. The supplemental labeling is for use on herbaceous and woody plants in greenhouse, nursery container and field production in California.

Empress Intrinsic fungicide provides protection against the four major root and crown disease pathogens: fusarium, phytophthora, pythium and rhizoctonia. Research shows Intrinsic fungicides control the broadest range of ornamental diseases while improving plant resilience to quality and reducing stresses that commonly occur during commercial production, handling and transportation.


“More and more growers across the country are discovering the benefits of Empress Intrinisic brand fungicide treatments at propagation for rooted plugs, cuttings and seedlings, and in drench applications on transplants during the production cycle to protect against the major root diseases,“ says Joe Lara, senior product manager for BASF ornamentals. “A BASF fungicide program utilizing Pageant Intrinsic and Empress Intrinsic brand fungicides provides growers with a foundation for broad spectrum disease protection, effective resistance management, application flexibility and a stronger defense against plant-damaging stresses — results that produce the highest quality ornamental plants the market ultimately chooses.“

Labeled use sites for Empress Intrinsic and Pageant Intrinsic fungicide include greenhouses, lathhouses and shadehouses, interiorscapes, outdoor nurseries (field and container) and retail nurseries.

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