Fides’ Parent Company Buys Oro Farms

Just in time for Spring Trials, Agribio Group, a global horticultural breeding, production and distribution company, announced the acquisition of Oro Farms, a leading cuttings producer in Guatemala. With this acquisition Agribio Group becomes a top four player on the North American vegetative market, where it is currently active under the Fides brand name.  Fides is a leading floriculture breeder based in Holland. Oro Farms was founded by Brian Gold of Pineae Greenhouses in Utah, Estuardo Arriaga in Guatemala and Michigan State University Emeritus Professor Royal Heins, who is the president.

The marriage of Oro’s production capabilities and Fides’ global breeding and distribution expertise should expand Agribio Group’s opportunities in North America.

Harry Kloppenburg, CEO of Agribio Group explains: “We seized this opportunity to acquire Oro Farms. Having Oro Farms and Fides North America active in this market is truly a matter of combining best of both worlds. Oro Farms will remain the reliable production company it is known for. We are excited the current management team of Oro Farms stays on board. They bring great technical knowledge and experience. Fides will continue to build its position by being an innovative and reliable breeding partner, providing market value with high quality genetics.”

Arriaga, managing director of Oro Farms Guatemala, is very pleased with the new situation: “The management team of Oro Farms is happy to become a part of this internationally important breeding group. We feel confident to create a flourishing future together.”

Oro Farms offers an extensive line of vegetative annual, perennial and foliage cuttings and licenses genetics from breeders throughout the world to provide high quality products. Through continuous research and customer feedback, Oro Farms prides itself on demonstrating consistency, performance and reliability.

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As a breeding and propagation company, Fides offers a wide range of products: Pelargonium, Dahlia, Osteospermum, Impatiens NG®, Multiflora, Petunia, Nemesia, Calibrachoa, Kalanchoe, decorative Kalanchoë (Calandiva®), Alstroemeria, Carnation, Lobelia, Scaevola and Bacopa. Other members of Agribio Group are Spanish based Barberet & Blanc (Carnation) and Japan Agribio. These companies were owned by Kirin in Japan.