Spring Trials May Be Over, But There’s Still a Lot More to See

Osteospermum ecklonis Osticade Aurora (Danziger) California Spring TrialsCalifornia Spring Trials (CAST) 2023 is in the books, at least as an in-person event. But that doesn’t mean the coverage from our team at Greenhouse Grower stops.

Over the last couple weeks, we’ve brought you highlights from every location at California Spring Trials, including personal favorites from Dr. Allan Armitage, as well as slideshows from the perspective of Greenhouse Grower team members Julie Hullett and Robin Siktberg. You can find all of that information here.


But as we note, our focus on CAST is not over. We’ve posted a handful of videos so far on Greenhouse Grower’s YouTube channel. But there’s a LOT more to come! Watch for additional videos, featuring breeders and more, on GreenhouseGrower.com and through our newsletters and social media channels. And be sure to bookmark this link to see videos as they are posted.