Trees and Shrubs to Boost Your Unique Holiday Offerings

The holiday and winter season isn’t just about poinsettias. Spring Meadow Nursery is offering a range of crops that are part of the Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs lineup.

  • Ilex glabra ‘Squeeze Box’ is the first-ever pyramidal inkberry. It can be used as a specimen, a replacement for dwarf Alberta spruce, narrow hedging, or a formal container. It’s also a long-awaited male selection, so it pollinates Gem Box and Strongbox hollies. Hardy in USDA zones 5 to 9, height 4 to 6 feet, width 2 to 3 feet.
  • Pyracomeles ‘Berry Box’ is a joyful little pyracantha-esque shrub. It’s a showy selection, from its button-like blooms in spring, to late-summer/fall when it is draped with colorful, pea-sized berries that change from orange to red. Hardy in USDA zones 7(6b) to 9, height 2 to 3.5 feet, width 2 to 3′ feet.
  • Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Cedar Rapids’ will give a lush evergreen and privacy with a unique texture. This is a fast-growing feathery selection of false cypress with fresh-looking, lime-green foliage. USDA Zone 4 to 8, height 30 feet, width 12 to 15 feet.