Check Out the Impressive Results From the University of Minnesota 2021 Field Trials

Each year, hundreds of annual flowers are on public display as part of the annual flower variety trial at the University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC) Horticulture Display Garden in Morris, MN.

In 2021, more than 500 varieties were trialed, ranging from ageratum to lantana to petunias to salvia, representing plant breeding companies from around the world. Even though the annual flowers are under evaluation, each cultivar is carefully designed into a beautifully landscaped garden bed, which allows visitors to take note of their favorite varieties under regional conditions. Cultivars are grown from seed or are vegetatively propagated in our greenhouse, and later transplanted into the Horticulture Display Garden.


Planting of the 2021 annual flower trial began in late May. A few days after planting, we experienced unseasonably overnight low temperatures resulting in severe cold injury on the less cold-tolerant plants. Then, within a week, we had abnormally daytime high temperatures nearing 100°F. This swing in extreme weather significantly set the growth of the plants back for several weeks following planting. Throughout the growing season, we experienced extreme drought conditions — little to no precipitation and high temperatures, which stressed the plants even though they were irrigated.

Despite these challenges, most of the annual flowers bounced back and offered an impressive display of color during their peak season, which is typically from mid-July to early September.
As part of the annual flower trial, plants are evaluated up to five times during the growing season in order to assess each variety’s performance. A scale of 1 to 5  provides a horticultural rating (1=poor, 2=below average, 3=average, 4=above average, 5=excellent). Plants are rated on performance, color, vigor, uniformity of habit and flowering, flowering numbers relative to others, insect and disease resistance, and uniqueness. The data is taken by the same individual every time to reduce variability in scoring. Evaluations began three weeks following planting. Only the highest-rated cultivars earn the distinction of a Top Ten Performing Annual recommendation for Minnesota. Check out the slideshow for the 2021 list! For a complete list of all our trial results, click here.

For more information on other field trials from across the country in 2021, click here.

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