Mark Your Calendars for Evening of Excellence (and Look Back at Past Winners)

As you build your schedule for Cultivate’24 in Columbus, OH, in July, be sure to include attending Greenhouse Grower’s Evening of Excellence event, which takes place on Monday, July 15 at 5:00 p.m. This year, we are in Union Station Ballroom B, which is located right outside the trade show floor.

The Medal of Excellence reception is designed to recognize the best in breeding, growing, technology, and innovation in horticulture. This year, we will be presenting awards for:

  • Head Grower of the Year
  • Operation of the Year
  • Industry’s Choice Award (breeding)
  • Editor’s Choice Award (breeding)
  • Reader’s Choice Award (breeding)
  • Technology of the Year
  • Industry Achievement Award

In the coming weeks, you’ll learn more about the finalists for each award. But until then, check out the slideshow above that shines a spotlight on previous winners.