More Than Flying Cars

When Greenhouse Grower began in 1983, the general public started getting its hands on some of the first personal computers. Leaps in technology made the future seem limitless. Looking to the year 2000, even flying cars made sense.

Asking someone to predict the next 25 years isn’t easy, especially when talking about the greenhouse industry. It requires a good deal of imagination and market know-how. For Greenhouse Grower’s anniversary issue, we asked prominent companies in the greenhouse-floriculture industry to explain where they plan to be and what new developments will make a difference for growers by the year 2033.

We received some great responses, but no flying cars. They gave us something growers can actually sink their teeth into and look forward to. And it’s somewhat fitting that the bulk of our responses come from greenhouse software companies. It really is a sign of the times, isn’t it?

Software Partnerships And Integration by Lisa Hattery

Media Matters by Martin Emond

Automating Nutrition by Lela Kelly

Collecting Business Information by Rick Goff

The Future At Fine by Greg Johnson

Implementing New Technologies by Sharon Nuss

Integrating Biologicals by Randy Martin Ph.D.

The Evolution Of Plastic Packaging by Bob Merzweiler

In The Media Mix by Hugh A. Poole Ph.D.

New Technologies In Nutrition by Fred Hulme Ph.D.

Connectivity And Automation In Software by John Stallmer