What We Know, and What You Can Do, About Labor Market Regulations

Labor is the hottest topic on the docket in horticulture today, and amid the rush to find labor solutions, it pays for employers to keep a close watch on the constantly changing landscape of federal labor laws. There are some key regulatory changes developing in the labor area, particularly with H-2A wages and adverse wage rates, that all owners and employers need to be aware of.

During a session at Greenhouse Grower’s GROW Executive Summit next week, Jorge Zamora, Associate General Counsel at Costa Farms, will take a backward and forward look at where we are in the legislative process, how new rules and programs will influence your business, and what you need to be thinking about in the coming year.

Zamora has been part of the Costa Farms family since 2019, serving as the company’s Associate General Counsel. Headquartered in south Florida, Costa Farms is one of the largest commercial growers in the U.S., employing approximately 5,000 professional growers and support staff and growing more than 1,500 varieties of houseplants, perennials, and specialty garden center items.

In his role, Zamora oversees and handles all matters for the organization involving labor and employee relations, immigration, workplace health and safety, litigation, and compliance. Prior to joining Costa Farms, Zamora practiced labor and employment law, providing counsel and representing employers throughout the U.S.

Following Zamora’s presentation, Troy Shumaker of Manzana will take a deeper drive into the H-2A program and whether it makes sense for your business. Learn more here.

Click here to register for the GROW Executive Summit.