Why Ag Labor Shortages Might Get Worse

Population rates in the U.S. grew at the slowest pace since 1918, according to a recent Census Bureau report. For business leaders, as well as executives of non-profits and government agencies, the report emphasizes the fundamental labor shortage currently masked by the pandemic recession, according to Bill Conerly, a Senior Contributor at Forbes.com. This slow growth of the population will continue for years, with especially dire results for the labor force.

The annual population figures estimate the resident population as of July 1, 2020. The low growth rate is increasing so slowly because of light natural increase and small foreign immigration. Births have been declining since 2015 as the millennials started aging out of their prime child-bearing years. Deaths have been rising as the baby boomers grow older. Even greater than these changes have been the decline in net international migration, which has dropped every year since 2016.

Read the complete article on Forbes.com.