New Designer Tags From Horticultural Marketing And Printing Helps Retailers Promote Products

Horticultural Marketing and Printing’s new Designer Tags, which were introduced at this year’s winter trade shows, are now available to retailers and growers nationwide.

The tags add merchandising power to plain pot stakes and strip tags.

Retailers and growers can print or hand write their logos, plant names and information on the back, and let the colorful, informative front sides attract consumers. The thermal-transfer-printable labels ensure customers get promotional messages when they look at a tag.

The fade-resistant pot stakes include tags for perennials and annuals, and can be purchased with full sun, part sun and shade descriptions. A Water Wise pot stake is also available. These 5/8- by-5-inch tags are made of 0.20 mil styrene.

The tree tag collection includes color-coded labels for fruit, shade and flowering trees. Also included are Water Wise and Christmas-themed tags. The Christmas tags work well for cut and live Christmas trees, wreaths and garland. The 1- by-9-inch tags are fade resistant with a perforated tear-off end, and made of 0.12-mil Flextherm.

All Designer Tags can be printed on Horticultural Marketing & Printing’s OnSyte XTRA 5.

For more information, call 800-433-8247 or visit the Horticultural Marketing & Printing website.