An Environmentally Friendly Clip for Greenhouse Vegetables

During crop rotation of greenhouse vegetables, a considerable waste stream can be released. Royal Brinkman aims to make the crop rotation as sustainable as possible with the design of the Valent Clip,

The clip’s rope grabs are reinforced with anti-slip points, so the clip stays on the rope with less chance of the rope sliding. This also allows the clip to handle high plant loads.

The clip is also designed to be suitable for a range of crops, with two variants (23 mm and 26mm) providing different dimensions.

Because the clip has a reclosable opening, it can easily be moved when necessary. The Valent clips are made from 100% high-quality recycled material.

The curvature of the clip is designed to reduce plant damage, while not hindering the growth of the plant. In addition, air holes around the clip reduce the chance of Botrytis.