Managing Growth and Quality of Greenhouse Lettuce With Light

The light environment in a greenhouse predominantly regulates yield and quality of leafy greens. Other environmental parameters can also modify light responses, such as temperature and carbon dioxide concentration.

In a webinar taking place on Thursday, Sept. 30, Michigan State University’s Erik Runkle will focus on the effects of the photon flux density and spectrum at regulating lettuce when grown hydroponically in vertical layers. During the “Environmental Regulation of Growth and Quality Attributes of Indoor Leafy Greens” presentation, Runkle will also share some research highlights from colleagues that are part of the Optimizing Indoor Agriculture (OptimIA) project that focuses on the vertical farming of leafy greens.

Runkle is on the faculty in the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University. His research focuses on the environmental physiology of herbaceous specialty plants grown in greenhouses and indoor farms. He is project director of OptimIA, optimizing indoor agriculture for leafy green production. For this project, he is investigating how environmental factors, especially lighting and temperature manipulations, influence growth and development of annual bedding plants, herbaceous perennials, leafy greens, and potted flowering plants. The underlying objective of this research is to improve the efficiency and/or quality of high-value specialty crops production.

Register for the webinar, which is presented by the GLASE consortium, here.