Moleaer, Royal Brinkman Announce Nanobubble Technology Partnership

The Moleaer and Royal Brinkman representatives sign the new nanobubble technology partnership agreement.

Moleaer and Royal Brinkman announced a commercial partnership this past week to promote Moleaer’s nanobubble products and solutions to greenhouses across the globe.

Under terms of the agreement, Royal Brinkman, a global supplier, installer, and consultant to the professional horticultural industry with more than 130 years of experience, will have the right to promote and distribute Moleaer’s nanobubble products and solutions to the international horticulture market, according to a press release detailing the new partnership.

Greenhouse Grower Magazine connected with Warren Russell, Moleaer’s Chief Commercial Officer, who also heads up and helps execute the startup’s Horticulture market strategy, to ask the ages-old question (among others): Why this partnership, at this time?

“Royal Brinkman brings over 130 years of knowledge and expertise to the table, which is very valuable to a younger company like Moleaer,” Russell shared. “As we endeavor to expand our presence in the market, we see The Netherlands and Europe as being core to our growth. The Netherlands remains the epicenter of research and development in Horticulture, and as such, partnering with a company like Royal Brinkman – who is a well-established supplier in that market – makes a lot of sense for Moleaer.”

Russell stated that he also believes a growing awareness among greenhouse growers around water quality and its effect on production is driving the need for a partnership such as this one.

“And,” he adds. “As reuse becomes more prevalent Royal Brinkman is also looking to Moleaer to help address that need for their growers.”

What Are Nanobubbles?

Oxygen is an essential macro element required for healthy plant growth, and Moleaer claims its gas-injection technology effectively enhances irrigation water with oxygen enriched nanobubbles. Additionally, Russell shared that “nanobubble aeration allows us to use oxygen supplementation for irrigation water in greenhouses very economically. Furthermore, our process enables water to be super saturated without pressurization which conserves energy.”

“The result is that our nanobubble technology is able to service an undervalued niche in greenhouse cultivation, which is increasing root zone oxygenation to help facilitate nutrient absorption,” Russell explained.

Nanobubbles are 100nm in diameter, smaller than the wavelength of light. They reportedly elevate and maintain dissolved oxygen levels in irrigation water, improve water quality, prevent root-borne disease, and enable plant roots to increase their nutrient uptake which together, improve health, yields, and reduce crop cycles. These benefits help farmers around the world grow more in an efficient and natural way, according to Moleaer.

“Moleaer’s nanobubble technology is the most effective aeration technology we have seen in the industry, and furthermore, water quality is becoming an important issue for our customers,” added Bas Brinkman, Technical Manager for Royal Brinkman. “Moleaer has shown that when oxygen enriched nanobubbles are applied to irrigation water, growers can improve overall water quality and improve crop production.”

Of course, any grower interested in adopting this type of system will surely have questions around Return on Investment (ROI) and how long it will take to start generating additional revenue to offset the initial investment. Is this a short-term (one year) or long-term (3-5 year) ROI play?

“Like with many investments into a greenhouse, the scale of the operation plays a major role in the ROI for that equipment,” Russell allowed. “For smaller growers working with less than 5,000 square feet, a 12 to 18 month payback is typical. In larger installations, customers are seeing ROIs in the three to six0month range.”

To learn more about Moleaer, nanobubble technology, and the new partnership, continue reading at