Dan Schantz Farm 2014 Poinsettia Trial Recap And 2015 Date Announcement

The 2014 Poinsettia Trial and Open House was held at the Dan Schantz Farm on November 13, 2014 in Zionsville, Pa., and was well attended with around 200 people involved in the horticulture industry at the event. The trial featured more than 170 poinsettia varieties from six world renowned breeders.

The breeders who had varieties on display included Dümmen, Selecta, Syngenta, Beekenkamp, PAC Worldwide and Ecke Ranch. There were many varieties on display at the trial that were new introductions for the breeders and depending on how they did at the Dan Schantz Trial and other trials around the country will determine whether or not these new cultivars are added to the production schedule for 2015.



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The 2014 Poinsettia Trial featured a judging of the varieties by nine industry representatives. The winners of the judging represented some of the best varieties displayed at the trial including an introductory variety from Dümmen.

The 2015 Poinsettia Trial will be held November 12, 2015 in Zionsville at the Dan Schantz Farm. If you’d like to be a sponsor of the 2015 Trial please contact [email protected] for more details. Visit the website to keep up with plans as they take shape for 2015.

Source: Dan Schantz Farm