
In 2008, Greenhouse Grower magazine introduced FloriCAST, the industry’s first series of podcasts, and the program continues growing in popularity and viewership. FloriCAST is a year-long series of 52 informative podcasts, segmented in five different topical tracks developed by five leading industry researchers:

Disease Control with Dr. Margery Daughtrey at Cornell University
Insect Control with Dr. Raymond Cloyd at Kansas State University
Nutrition with Dr. Kimberly Willaims at Kansas State University
PGRs with Dr. Brian Whipker at North Carolina State University
General Production with Dr. Brian Krug at the University of New Hampshire


Each track includes 10 different editions. Each edition is distributed through our Benchrunner e-newsletter to 16,000 industry professionals and is hosted on the FloriCAST channel of GGTV for year-long viewing.

Each edition is averaging about 250 views in 2010, which represents roughly 70% growth from 2009. Growers clearly appreciate the focused and convenient format that FloriCAST offers. By sponsoring a track of FloriCAST, suppliers have the opportunity to support the latest research while delivering their message to a highly targeted audience.

The sponsorship costs $5,300. One sponsorship is available for each track for the year, and it includes:
• 15-second-long pre-roll video before each edition in the track
• One Logo/Text ad in Benchrunner each week an edition in the track is featured (total of 10 through the year)
• The exclusive Leaderboard and a Half-page ads on the GGTV pages featuring this track for the full year
• One eDirect effort sent to all growers who watch at least one edition of your sponsored track during the year (scheduled when the sponsor wants

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