GGS Structures Donates Greenhouse To Rose City Kids

GGS Donation to Rose City KidsRose City Kids recently unveiled its plans for building a rooftop greenhouse solarium, thanks to a greenhouse structure donation by GGS Structures Inc.

Rose City Kids is a non-profit organization whose goal is to make a difference in the lives of children ages 4 to 12 living in Welland, Ontario. Rose City Kids is described as a free program held every other Saturday to let kids just be kids and to give them hope. It launched the first program in March 2008, and now serves more than 600 children.


The greenhouse is custom designed to fit the roof section available for construction. GGS worked with its sister company, JGS Limited, which specializes in architectural greenhouses and roof top greenhouse construction.

The greenhouse solarium will be part of the second floor of the Rose City Kids headquarters. When the kids arrive for tutoring, they have a healthy snack provided for them, and they can go with their tutor anywhere in the building to work on homework and lessons. The greenhouse will be a calm place for kids to feel safe and learn. This will also be an area for the Junior Leadership training to go to relax, and for quiet time.

“At the annual fundraising dinner for Rose City Kids, we heard from one of our Junior Leaders about how Rose City Kids has impacted her life,” says Karen Langendoen, volunteer for Rose City Kids. “Her parents split up when she was nine. Recently, her father left her and her sister to find work in Hamilton. That left the two sisters to fend for themselves in a condemned house with no heat or water. They are trying to pay bills and continue their high school education. Volunteers from Rose City Kids found her housing, helped with the move and continue to support her with love and compassion.”

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With the greenhouse donation from GGS, Rose City Kids will be able to offer a safe and comforting refuge for children to learn and play. They also hope to eventually equip the space with comfy furniture and a bookshelf filled with inviting books.

To learn more about Rose City Kids and how you can contribute, visit

Source: GGS Structures