Welby’s Top Container Varieties Of 2010

Welby's Top Container Varieties Of 2010

Welby Gardens, a Top 100 Grower based in Denver, Colo., invited the industry to its annual trial garden this summer. Attendees were offered the chance to evaluate their favorite containers, which the business then compiled into a list of 2010 favorites.


“At our trial we keep track of votes by breeder-sponsor companies, general industry folks and retailers,” says Al Gerace, CEO at Welby Gardens. “We had approximately 300 people view the trials that day and each received 10 poker chips to pick their favorites.”

Here are the favorites as chosen by the attendees in a top-25 fashion:

1. Scabiosa ‘Black’ (Proven Winners/Euro American Propagators)
2. Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’ (Proven Winners Euro American)
3. Alternanthera ‘Red Threads’ (GroLink)
4. Salvia ‘Mystic Spires Blue’ (Ball FloraPlant)
5t. Dahlia 06-103 Lavender (Fides)
5t. Petunia ‘Rhythm and Blues’ (Ball FloraPlant)
7. Petunia ‘Pinstripe’ (Ball FloraPlant)
8. Petunia ‘Black Velvet’ (Ball FloraPlant)
9. Justecea ‘Holanda’ (GroLink)
10. Lantana ‘Bandana Cherry Sunrise’ (Syngenta Flowers)
11. Multi/Trixi Lollipop (Ball/Selecta)
12. Petunia ‘Phantom’ (Ball FloraPlant)
13t. New Guinea impatiens ‘Paradise Rose Flare’ (Paul Ecke Ranch)
13t. Geranium Zonal ‘Schone von Rheinberg’ (Dömmen)
13t. Salvia farinacea ‘Velocity Blue’ (Syngenta)
16. Bracteantha ‘Strawburst Yellow’ (Syngenta)
17. Coleus ‘Roaring Fire’ (GroLink)
18. Dahlia VR7 117 Pink (GroLink)
19. Geranium Inter ‘Calliope Dark Red’ (Syngenta)
20. Osteospermum ‘Cape Daisy Terracotta’ (Sakata)
21. Gomphrena Fireworks (PanAmerican/Ball)
22. Dahlia ‘Gallery Cobra VR7 235 Salmon’ (GroLink)
23. Begonia BBA 2 Carneval (Dömmen)
24t. Ageratum ‘Patina Delft’ (Syngenta)
24t. Dahlia ‘Lucky Heart’ (GroLink)
24t. Salvia ‘Black and Blue’ (GroLink)

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