HC Companies Offering Two New Pots for Greenhouse Growers

HC Companies Pots-FeatureThe HC Companies, a supplier of horticulture containers, is introducing two new products designed exclusively for the greenhouse market.

The new 4.5-inch Square Quick Lock Pot and 6-inch Azalea Pot are currently being produced at the company’s facilities in Twinsburg, OH.


“We spent a great deal of time surveying the needs of our customers and adjusting the overall design,” says Mark Hembree, Product Manager at The HC Companies. “We believe the market will share in our excitement once they see the products first-hand.”

As labor challenges and energy needs continue to be an issue among growers throughout the country, the 4.5-inch Square was designed with automation in mind for effortless denesting using automated filling machines. Additionally, HCs Quick Lock trays allow growers to press and lock the pots into the tray for a semi-automated solution.

“When designing these pots, it was imperative they be compatible with automation machines,” Hembree says. “Labor challenges aren’t going away, so all similar products need to address this reality.”

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The 6-inh Azalea Pot has updated a perennial favorite among growers. The pot features increased drainage and easily converts to a hanging basket for versatility. This pot also benefits from superior denesting capability and rim strength for filling and spacing in automated environments.

For more information, go to The HC Companies website or call 800-225-7712.