Drive Consumer Interest in New Plants With These Tools

Plant retailers can inspire consumer interest and increase sales with the “Year of the” program from the National Garden Bureau (NGB). The promotion is designed to help growers, garden retailers (both on-line and brick-and-mortar), and garden communicators encourage consumers to discover and embrace five specially selected plant classes.

Promotional marketing materials for the five 2021 “Year of the” classes are now available on National Garden Bureau’s website.


Each year, NGB encourages the use of selected plants for its “Year of the” program. For 2021, they are:

  • Annual: Year of the Sunflower
  • Vegetable/edible: Year of the Garden Bean
  • Perennial: Year of the Monarda
  • Bulb: Year of the Hyacinth
  • Flowering Shrub: Year of the Hardy Hibiscus

The National Garden Bureau members and Board of Directors select plant classes that consumers can grow successfully. Each “Year of the” choice is easy to grow, genetically diverse, and includes lots of new varieties—all traits that will help consumers and their gardens flourish.

To help retailers and educators spread the word and the use of this program, NGB offers free promotional materials for each crop, including fact sheets, photos, logos, and more.

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NGB began the original “Year of the” program in the early 1980s. Since then, the program has generated tremendous consumer and industry publicity. The entire industry — breeders, brokers, seed companies, growers, nurseries, and garden centers — are urged to highlight these flowers and plants when planning their upcoming marketing and make use of all the marketing tools NGB provides.