Ravin’ Traven: Officially Organic & Beaming About Spring

Ravin' Traven: Officially Organic & Beaming About Spring

Lloyd Traven, owner of Peace Tree Farm in Kintnersville, Pa., is ranting again and sharing his optimism on spring. His operation, meanwhile, is now USDA certified organic for vegetables and herbs.

An Excerpt From His Feb. 23 Rant:


Wow, this will definitely be a winter to remember. There were incredible, historic events aplenty. Where do you start?

How about Bristol Palin’s boyfriend getting tossed out of his apprenticeship, and Bristol working toward her GED? The Octo-Mom and the Un-Reality Show? At least Madonna and Angelina buy their babies instead of use the last money California had in the state treasury. Are these Wall Street bonus babies?

Another baseball player taking steroids–I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you! What’s next, a Bollywood movie wins the Oscar? No way that will ever happen!

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There are just too many choices for things to go ballistic over, so I’m going to go way out of character. I’m going to tell you why we should be completely optimistic about this spring. I’m serious about this. Really!

Our industry is beautifully positioned to do very well in our crumbling economy, even as it continues to get worse. Let’s look closely at this seemingly incomprehensible stance. Every demographic, every survey shows beyond doubt that our customers want our products! Not only that, but they also say they will continue to spend their money on our product. I implore you to remember this when you plan for spring.

We are planning for exactly this situation at Peace Tree Farm. We will be growing to capacity this year. We’re not overproducing, but growing what we know you want historically. We are changing the mix quite a bit. We’re reflecting realities but, more importantly, we’re reflecting what we see as clear trends in the market and also some harsh realities for our company.

This is no different than every year in this industry. It is always a guess, always an issue about the weather, always up to us to draw the customer to us. Taking a wait-and-see stance will not bring them in, and that clearly is what we need to get done. Now more than ever.