New Crop Protection Products And Label Updates

Here are some of the most recent products released and label updates for crop protection agents in the greenhouse and nursery market.

Fame Fungicides (FMC Corp.)


FMC Corp. has introduce Fame fungicides, a family of FRAC 11 group (Strobilurin) products that delivers fast-acting, patented fluoxastrobin protection against major soil and foliar diseases. Rainfast in 15 minutes, Fame fungicides can be used on most greenhouse and nursery plants and provide fast foliar and root uptake.

“Proven by university research, Fame fungicides offer fluoxastrobin action, which ensures a high degree of systemic activity to provide very rapid disease protection and stop further growth of established disease,” says Naimur Rahman, strategy and fungicide marketing product manager for FMC.

The Fame fungicide family includes:
• Fame SC: a suspension concentrate fungicide containing fluoxastrobin that controls major diseases, including anthracnose, downy mildew, powdery mildew, scab and leaf spot. It provides rapid foliar and root uptake with xylem and translaminar movement.
• Fame Granular: a spreadable, competitively priced fluoxastrobin fungicide that offers flexible surface application and excellent uptake and movement within the plant, ensuring fast-acting disease protection.
• Fame +T: a suspension concentrate combination of fluoxastrobin and tebuconazole that optimizes resistance management with dual modes of action. It protects from both root and shoot diseases, including white mold, black spot, botrytis and rust.

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“Because Fame +T delivers two layers of protection, it provides a built-in, optimized resistance management strategy controlling target pathogens,” Rahman says.

All Fame fungicides offer quick penetration of leaf surfaces for quick foliar uptake, allowing translaminar movement throughout the plant tissue. At the same time, systemic root activity allows plants to readily take up fluoxastrobin and translocate it throughout the xylem to all plant parts.

TerraGrow (BioSafe Systems)

TerraGrow from BioSafe is a completely soluble powder of perfectly blended beneficial bacterial and fungal spores was developed to improve soil characteristics, plant stress tolerance and vigor. Use TerraGrow for a wide variety of crops including ornamental/nursery, vegetables, fruits, herbs, turf/landscape and hydroponics.

TerraGrow’s formulation has been scientifically selected with more than 3 billion colony-forming units per gram for soil and plant attributes and formulation compatibility. As an added bonus, TerraGrow is packed with a nutrient-rich growth boost package to quickly germinate spores and promote rapid population growth.

“Adding beneficial microbial inoculants to our product line seemed natural,” says BioSafe Systems’ T&O Market Segment Manager, Jeff Kline. “We specifically designed TerraGrow with naturally occurring microbial strains that have not been genetically altered. Each strain in TerraGrow occupies a slightly different niche within the plant’s root zone, allowing each to provide specific benefits to the plant while avoiding competition with each other.”

TerraGrow is easily incorporated into any crop protection program and can be used throughout the growing season to keep crops healthy. Also, TerraGrow is an important step to improve soil health in BioSafe’s sustainable soil program.