American Floral Endowment’s 60th Anniversary Bulletin Is a Must-Read

As American Floral Endowment (AFE)’s 60th year comes to a close, the organization has compiled a 60th Anniversary Special Edition Bulletin highlighting AFE’s programs, accomplishments, and impact on the industry. Special thanks to the 60th Anniversary Campaign sponsors who are recognized throughout the issue.

Floriculture industry members can take a walk down memory lane in this special publication, where AFE not only shares its history and successes, but also recognizes the many organizations and individuals who have supported AFE’s growth. This extended issue shows the past, present, and future of AFE, including research, scholarships, internships, and grants.


You can access the bulletin here. Be sure to check out the timeline, current and future research endeavors, profiles of long-time and emerging industry leaders, and more.