How the Floral Industry Is Getting Proactive in Addressing Labor Issues

Photo: Society of American Florists

When Chris Drummond talks with florists, wholesalers, and flower growers, everyone lists labor in their top three challenges “without exception,” he says.

“We’re not going to fix the labor shortage in our industry unless we all become very proactive in finding solutions to the problem,” says Drummond, President of Penny’s by Plaza Flowers in Philadelphia and Society of American Florists Immediate Past President.

Drummond and other floral and horticulture professionals from nearly 70 businesses seized the opportunity to be proactive by participating in Seed Your Future’s Green Career Week, Feb. 27 to March 3. The initiative got professionals in classrooms, students in businesses, and created a buzz on social media — all in an effort to showcase and cultivate an interest in green careers.

The inaugural Green Career Week took place last fall, with two slated for this year. Last week’s event targeted high schoolers, while the next one, Oct. 2-6, will target college students. Seed Your Future Executive Director Jazmin Albaran says that the event is gaining traction, not just in the number of participants, but also in the media. She was featured in eight radio interviews last week, one of which was aired nationally.

“It is so important that students know about the careers offered in horticulture and floriculture because we need to ease the labor challenge in our industries with smart, tech-savvy workers,” Albaran says. “The response to Green Career Week from participants, students and even the media has been wonderful.”

Seed Your Future provides professionals with everything they need to participate in Green Career Week, including sample itineraries for school visits, activities, photo release forms, press releases, a social media toolkit and more.

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