How Greenhouse Designs Can Serve as Models for Other Industries

White LED lamps over greenhouse grown basil greenhouse designWhat is a greenhouse factory, and how can greenhouse designs serve as a model for other industries to follow? That’s a question Natan Linder sought to answer in a recent article on

Linder notes that in a greenhouse factory, manufacturers carefully control the conditions around the introduction of new technologies. So rather than adopting new tools ad hoc, greenhouses allow for the creation of the optimal environment for innovations to take hold.


“If lighthouses factories are focused on technological maturity, greenhouses are about proving value quickly. Smart firms already build their technology strategies around proven business needs. Still, it’s hard to know whether or not a given project will pay off until you’ve put it into practice,” Linder says. “Focusing on proof-of-concept sized projects reduces risk, lowers the barrier to entry, and speeds time to value. Just like a greenhouse, when a given innovation reaches maturity, you can ship it across the enterprise.”

Read Linder’s full article here.

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