How to Recognize Nutrient Deficiencies in Cannabis

GroAdvisor Cannabis nutrient deficiencies in cannabis

Photo: GroAdvisor

Just like humans need vital nutrients to survive, so do cannabis plants. The pH levels of your water solution play an important role in keeping your cannabis plant healthy. There are some significant signs that can indicate a cannabis plant is deficient in nutrients such as boron, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, nitrogen, and zinc.


According to a recent blog post from GroAdvisor, a cannabis cultivation solutions company, cannabis requires three primary macronutrients for optimal health: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), and Potassium (K), or NPK.

Micronutrients are equally important, but only very tiny amounts are required and many, if not all, are readily available in potting soils without the need to add extra. If you are growing hydroponically, then these trace elements are found in most NPK solutions. These micronutrients, or trace elements are calcium, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, boron, zinc, iron, molybdenum, chlorine, and copper.

Nutrient deficiencies can be avoided by being attentive and careful with the pH level of your nutrient-water solution. The reason your plant is deficient of these nutrients is because they are not getting absorbed. Incorrect levels will lock out certain nutrients thus giving you adverse effects. If you are consistent in feeding your plants their nutrients, it’s probably that the pH is either too high or low and the plant is not absorbing them.

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Learn more in the full GroAdvisor article here.