Cool New Plants & Merchandising Concepts From Essen

Hishtil's Two On One concept features two tomato varieties on a single bush.

As a grower, your trade show travel budget may be restricted to OFA Short Course, a couple of regional shows and maybe one show within your own state – if that. But if you have the means to visit IPM Essen in Germany at least once over the next few years, you’ll be inspired by the countless number of ideas the European market has to offer.


The biggest advantage of attending Essen is you’re exposed to hundreds of new vendors and thousands of new ideas you can take back and put into your business. Some of the Essen exhibitors may not serve the United States directly, but a number will. And if you contact a broker about buying a new variety, series or product, they may just do the heavy lifting for you to make something available to your business.

With 12 exhibit halls to explore, it’s impossible to take in every idea. So here’s a taste of what IPM Essen offered in new plants and merchandising concepts.

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