Top Crops

Top Crops

The USDA’s Floriculture Crops 2007 Summary analyzes retail and wholesale values of floriculture crops, among other measures. So what are the top crops in the industry? Here’s a list, based on wholesale sales of bedding plants and blooming potted plants in 2007. 




1 Poinsettias

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Wholesale sales in 2007
19,359 in 5-inch or smaller pot size
28,154 in larger than 5-inch pot size
$2.65 average price in 5-inch or smaller pot size
$4.61 average price in larger than 5-inch pot size

2 Orchids

Wholesale sales in 2007
10,525 in 5-inch or smaller pot size
4,896 in larger than 5-inch pot size
$6.78 average price in 5-inch or smaller pot size
$11.15 average price in larger than 5-inch pot size

3 Petunias

Wholesale sales in 2007
6,866 flats sold
3,748 hanging baskets sold
23,339 pots sold
$0.96 average price in 5-inch or smaller pot size
$2.37 average price in 5-inch or larger pot size

4  Impatiens

Wholesale Sales in 2007
8,951 flats sold
2,590 hanging baskets sold
23,851 pots sold
$0.78 average price in 5-inch or smaller pot size
$1.68 average price in 5-inch or larger pot size

5  Pansies/Violas

Wholesale Sales in 2007
8,169 flats sold
664 hanging baskets sold
33,228 pots sold
$0.74 average price in 5-inch or smaller pot size
$2.08 average price in 5-inch or larger pot size