New Varieties Guide 2009: Booman Floral

New Varieties Guide 2009: Booman Floral

Booman Floral


Booman Floral in Vista, Calif., is a true niche producer, specializing in more than 60 varieties of Rex begonias, known more for their colorful foliage than flowers. They are sorted into collections by leaf size, leaf patterns and vigor. While 18 plants in the Great American Cities series offer the most uniform finish, Patio begonias are tough plants that resist abuse and neglect. The Constellation series features paint-splashed leaves.

Another key product line with a lot of point-of-sale potential is Booman Floral’s collection of carniverous plants, which include Pitcher Plant, Octopus Plant, Starfish Plant and Venus Flytrap. Booman has designed a clever, easy-to-assemble die-cut model of a cardboard snake head that sticks out of the display unit, which is a retail-ready box that holds 24 plants in plastic cases.

The company is specializing in a few flowering plant lines, too, including streptocarpus and tropical-looking clivias in shades of banana.

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–Beach Cities
–Bob Golden hybrids
–Constellations–’Capricorn,’ ‘Libra’ and ‘Taurus’
–Fancy Large series
–Great American Cities
–Mini series
–Patio begonias
–Specialty begonias–’Escargot,’ ‘Evelyn Weidner,’ ‘Fireflush’ and ‘Iron Cross’
–Winter Sunshine series

Carniverous plants, streptocarpus and clivias