New Varieties Guide 2009: Paul Ecke Ranch

New Varieties Guide 2009: Paul Ecke Ranch

Paul Ecke Ranch


Recognizing that retailers are driving the selection of plant material, Paul Ecke Ranch presented its varieties in retail vignettes, so buyers can visualize the plants in stores ranging from an independent garden center to a box store or the floral department of a supermarket.

Ecke Ranch is really rallying behind Sunpatiens impatiens bred by Sakata. This is the first year the varieties will not be exclusive to Home Depot and are open for distribution. Most people were skeptical but Sunpatiens have proven themselves in the sun all over the world, including Miami.

Responding to drought conditions and interest in low maintenace, Ecke Ranch introduced a Painted Dunes collection including Acapulco agastaches.

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As one of the first companies to introduce osteospermums to U.S. growers, Ecke Ranch conducted an extensive comparison trial.
The company also introduced a white poinsettia, ‘Polar Bear,’ that will support Polar Bear International.

–Acapulco agastaches–four colors
–Argyranthemum ‘Comet Red’
–Cascadias petunias–five new colors
–Littletunia petunias–four colors
–Pettitunia petunia–four new colors
–Puebla Salvia greggii
–Poinsettia ‘Polar Bear’
–Sunpatiens impatiens–seven compact and six vigorous varieties
–SunDancer angelonias–Pink, Purple and White